Sunday, March 04, 2007

The obligatory long-time-away post...

As the title says...

I've levelled my main character to 68, have several other characters on both sides, and have enjoyed playing WOW for two years now. I'm still married, still have a special needs child, and have not so far completely abandoned my duties at work or at home.

This makes me unlike many of my comrades.

I also am a member of a pre-eminent raiding guild on the Arthas server. Before Burning Crusade, we had worked our way to the Twin Emperors in AQ 40, and had started on Nax. We had just started to have some of the usual drama, and had kept a fairly hard-core group for over a year (I'm not one, as I raid once a week for four hours, and don't play every night for at least three...).

The move to this expansion has been a bit troublesome for the guild, as our leaders want us to keep raiding in order to stay sharp, but most of the rest of us want to explore BC and level up our characters (and get all that tasty new gear). We have decided to raid once a week and just play the rest, which seems to be a case of the leadership bowing to the consensus of the group. I'm not sure if our Guild Leader, who has spent a lot of time reviewing videos and talking with other guilds about how to accomplish certain of the end-game puzzles, will still want to lead after this.


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